The term “allocation of parental responsibilities” has replaced the old term of “custody”
At the Law Office of Michael A. Hug, we walk you through and evaluate the numerous factors that go into the Court’s decision about how decision-making and parenting time are allocated so that you know exactly what your position/strengths and weakness are prior to presenting your evidence to the Court. Some of these factors include the age of the child, past parental involvement and time commitment to the child, the proximity of physical residences of each party and whether there are abuse issues or parental substance abuse issues affecting the child.
We guide and assist you in developing parenting plans, and settlement proposals if desired, that not only include decision making and routine parenting time arrangements, but also holiday parenting time schedules, summer parenting time schedules as well as child support, tax dependency exemptions, payment of extracurricular activities and uninsured medical expenses.
Please let us know if this information is helpful to your understanding of how parenting time and decision-making responsibilities are allocated by the Court and if there is anything we may do to assist you in your own case, whether it be divorce or custody only.